How RESCUE!® creates Smarter Pest Control.


Our insect control products are superior because we know how insects respond and communicate to their surroundings. And they're “green” because we don’t need to carpet-bomb an area with chemicals in hopes of killing a few bugs.

As human beings, we observe the world through our senses and express ourselves through language. Insects use their senses too — including their super-sensitive antennae to interpret and respond to chemical signals in their environments. Insects communicate and respond to stimuli chemically, by excreting and interpreting what scientists call semiochemicals.

Semiochemicals called pheromones are used by insects to alert one another to danger, to lead others to food, or to initiate sex. Understanding how to mimic these chemical messages to lure unwanted pests to their demise is the basis of RESCUE!® insect trap technology.



RESCUE! scientists test on a yellowjacket antenna

How we get our insect secrets

No one can assemble an insect focus group and ask what's most appealing to them. But with the tools in our lab, we can discover exactly what makes the bugs respond. 

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Handling a German yellowjacket

Testing in the real world

The RESCUE!® Insect Research Lab extends well beyond the four walls of our headquarters. The natural environment is ultimately where our work begins and ends. 

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