Oriental Beetles

A voracious and destructive pest, the Oriental Beetle has an appetite for the roots of turfgrass, nursery stock, ornamental crops and fruit. They typically precede the emergence of Japanese Beetles by 1-2 weeks.

Geographic Region

Oriental Beetles are native to Asia and were accidentally introduced to North America. Oriental Beetles are found primarily in New England and the Mid-Atlantic states.

Natural Habitat

Oriental Beetles are commonly found in nurseries, with adults feeding on flower petals (especially daisies) and their larvae found in soil, eating the roots of turfgrasses and nursery stock.

Weather Conditions

Oriental Beetles thrive in summer weather conditions when the weather is warm and the soil is moist.


Oriental beetles stay under the radar, and under the dirt, when they do their damage. But when it comes to the surface, that damage is significant. The grubs have an appetite for roots of turfgrass, nursery stock, greenhouse ornamental crops and fruit such as blueberries, cranberries, raspberries and strawberries. This feeding can result in complete destruction of the root system and death of the host plant.

Unique characteristics

  • This pest would seem like the plain-Jane counterpart to its relative, the flashy and obnoxious Japanese beetle.
  • Although similar in size and shape, their coloring differs: Japanese beetle bodies are metallic green and red, while Oriental beetles are an understated black with straw-colored markings.
  • They're also a less visible pest than Japanese beetles because of their lighter appetite and nocturnal flight habits.
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